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The Story of a french guy discovering the world

Week 4 - Day 2 - Testing, Helping, and Buying

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Yesterday, we paired with Elliot, a new Banana Slug who is re doing Phase 2. We had 4 challenges… and ended up not really finishing one. We had a great dynamic, we both learned tons and spent most of the day working on testing with Rspec on Sinatra, the tool we’re working with at the moment.

The challenge we worked on was making a simplified version of CraigsList.
So to do that you need to meet these requirements :

  • The front page creates a list of categories
  • Each category has many posts
  • A user can create a post in a category, and/or create a category
  • A user that created a post gets a key/url that allows him and only him to edit or delete that post

For that, we created tests, a lot of them. But then we forgot one of the basic principle : When you finish writing your test, you need to make it pass before working on the next one.

Just for that, we worked and learned a lot but being at the end and having to work on all that from scratch was a mess and we ended up working on other things.


So, I was told I am a patient person. Hell, I was even talk this very morning that I was a Cool person! Also, I already said that I have a bit of experience with the stuff we work with.

From that, I can tell you that I like helping, and spend a lot of my days doing so.

Yesterday, we worked with Elliot, and I actually spent a lot of time trying to solve a lot of problems and explaining what we did to the people who were stuck. People came, people go, came again, and we spent like half of the day working on solving people’s bugs. I have no problem with that, and I like to think that I learn much more by doing that than by just coding by myself, but then I also feel bad for Elliot who basically spent half of his day not … working on solving our problem.

When we thought about stopping with that craigslist challenge, I went around and tried to help the people that I had not seen before. I ended up working on stuff with Golden Bears, and that was fun too (And took less of Elliot’s time, so I’m even happier about that haha)

In the end, that was a fun day anyway.


I started buying a couple of things. First thing is that I bought socks and underwear. I ended up in Uniqlo this weekend, a brand I really like, and they had sales… That coupled with the fact that I did not bring enough socks to have at least a 7 days period before I need any laundry made me buy a lot of socks… and then other stuff on sales haha. Don’t worry though, I took advantage of the Dollar being lower than the Euro, and the conversion being a 1 to 1 in everyday’s prices.

Another thing I had to buy was a beard trimmer. I was thinking about going to the barbershop (because the US HAS barbershops), but I ended up not having the time, the opportunity, or even the reason since I feel like spending valuable time there would be a waste if I just wanted to trim a bit.
So instead of that I bought a beard trimmer, and played with it. I spent a lot of time playing with it yesterday. I spent a lot of time playing with it today, and now I love my beard even more.

Now, I also bought other stuff, but then some are surprises so… brace yourself, news are coming tomorrow too ;)

PS : Today is my fiance and I’s 6th anniversary… I love you Thuy, you make me happy and I will do my best to make that happen for you to… Everyday of the rest of my life.
