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The Story of a french guy discovering the world

Week 4 - Day 1 - New People, New Challenges, Personal Projects

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New People

Welcome to the Golden Bears!
Yesterday was our Phase 2 first day, but also Phase 1’s first day. A load of new people arrived in that small place that is DBC’s current office, and so, we had to welcome them!

The idea is that we got to get here at 8-8.30AM. Then, we shouted, gave advices, talked, ate,… All in all, a very good day!
The new guys look cool, and it was really nice to see them approach the problems we had a different way. People ended up, from what I saw, working a lot on challenges where we did not really work much, and not care much about the ones we spent a lot of time on. That was refreshing, and fun to discover new bugs, new problems. Different approaches, different paths, I can’t wait ‘til they get on harder problems and blow my mind with problems I can’t solve… again!

And among the new people, they have another french dude! Plus, they also have a Korean girl who lived in France… New people to bother with conversations in random languages!

New Challenges

We started phase 2. Phase 2 is more about web development. We play with Sinatra, and are starting to make stuff that is actually stuff we can share with people who are not developers and they can use it and even get impressed with that with some luck.

On these first challenges we paired with Jose. We had a great dynamic, no complex, and ended up helping each other into not getting stuck much, and completing the challenges. I feel like I learned a lot, and I really enjoyed that day. Even when I would think I was spending too much time on something, I checked around and found out that we were actually going quite fast. That problem was taking a bit more time than the rest of it, but then we went a bit fast on the other things and so in the end, what was confusing was our own change of pace more than the real speed at which we were going at that moment.

Anyway, at the end of the day I learned, I worked, finished what I wanted, and if I had to sum it up… it was a great day.

Personal Projects

Now we can work on stuff that we can show to “normal” people. But then we’re also using some stuff that I already know. I am not nearly good enough at all of these, but I do have some experience on some of these topics, and could just use that and be fine with that. But then I am not here to take the easy path. I am here because I want to learn.

To do so, I figured (= People told me I should… ) I’ld start working on some personal projects. I have ideas, things to do, and so why not learn by pushing even further and work on that, independently of the things we work on.

I’ll try to work on blog articles to explain what I do, and share as much as I can. First day’s work was quite long so I ended up not being able to do much, but expect more once I have more time!

Also, phase 2 is full of “Portfolio Projects”. We’ll have a lot of them, to be delivered on sundays. I’ll share every one of them, and try to explain the thought process every time I work on one, so that’ll be another thing to look for!

Anyway, time to get back to coding, see you guys tomorrow!
