Group Project
Yesterday we started a new group project. This time, it’s a 2 days stretch. You can follow how it’s going on Github.
The idea is that we are building an open-source project. More specifically, we are building a Ruby Gem (A code library, a set of tools for people who use ruby) that will generate random people names, team names, and useful info like that from a database of funny and famous words/names/quotes. The idea is that there is a gem called “Faker”, and we are building the cool version of this one, with Armando, Jamie, and Nicholas.
So far, it’s doing good! I got my voice back so I can participate much more in whiteboarding and all that, we planned everything decently and managed to get an MVP (Minimum Viable Product, the smallest thing you could build on your idea) in half the time. We’re pushing for more options and some kind of implementation to show nice usage of that gem.
It’s exciting to be working on some tool that may very well be used by others all around the world. Plus, learning how to make gems is a very interesting thing. I think that when I have time later, I’ll try to make some gems just for the sake of helping around. Open-source is awesome!
Good news
Among the good news :
I may see my fiancee before I come back. This is by far the best news I could ever had heard. I miss her, and knowing that I may see her sooner than I expected is just the best thing that could have happened.
I had a beer with Jonathan and got more info about after Dev Bootcamp. That was such a relief. Coming here as a frenchman, I just had no idea how the job market was, and how things were supposed to happen after that. I kinda get ideas from here and there, but finally being able to have some feedback from a guy who has the same experience, and comes from the same place, is really a relief. Now I just have to continue giving my best ‘til the end of these 9 weeks.
I’m going to Phase 2! I got my assessment and it went ok. I overthought part of it so I wouldn’t say I did perfectly, but with the goal being : Assess whether I know Phase 1 material or not, I did ok for that. That is perfect! So now it’s time to learn even more!
Anyway, going back to the project… See you tomorrow!