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Week 7 - Phase 3, Projects, and Another First Day in DBC

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Phase 3

So, first, sorry for not giving any news for friday. If I had to sum friday up, it would probably go like : “Partayyyyyyyyyyy”.
Phase 3 was graduating and showing us projects they worked on. Phase 1 and 2 were moving on to the next phase, so everybody just … had fun… and a lot of alcohol. If I can find the links to the projects I’ll let you know, but in short we had :

  • A social app for street performers to share their videos and people to tip them,
  • An app that tracks your bad (but legal) substance abuse (coffee, alcohol, cigarette)
  • An app that helps you keep track of all the online courses you can take and all the ones you take.
  • An app that helps independent music teacher track everything about their business

Yesterday we started phase 3 and we started working on Rails… Basically, if I had to say anything about it, I would say : Take everything we did so far, and now stop doing it because everything is generated automatically in rails!

We’ll have fun, and play with a few things for 8 days, then group projects. That sounds awesome and I can’t wait ;)


So, group projects are approaching… I have ideas, and my #1 would be to join Chermaine and work on the project we thought about together. But then, I also want to pitch a lot of ideas so I guess I’ll try and share the ideas and see how it goes! Not right now, but I will, I promise!

Then, on the weekend, I learned 4 things :
– How to use Flask (A Python equivalent of Sinatra) – How to compress WebAssets (And not have 10000000 js files here and there, even though your code is full of clear small classes for example…) – How to play with Backbone (A Javascript framework to make whole apps on the front-end) – How to play with Google Maps (Put a map of the site and pin stuff to it, geocode stuff, etc…)

And with that, I ended up making an app. It is an app that shows you all the movie shooting locations in San Francisco, by movie. It is not perfect or finished (I expect it to be finished tonight) but so far you can see :
– The site : http://movie-shootings-in-sf.herokuapp.com/ – The code : https://github.com/Qt-dev/shootings

Again, I’ll tell you when it’s over, but you can check it out for now!

Another first day in DBC

Yesterday, the new cohort started. It feels so strange to be in the seniors…

They seem pretty interesting and interested. I think they have a very different dynamic than the Golden bears, and again, very different than the Banana Slugs too. I can’t wait until I get to know them and learn more about them!

No worries though, I still love the golden bears, and more than that, I love the banana bears!

Now, time to go back to eating cookies and coding. See you tomorrow!
