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Week 5 - Day 5 - Awesome Project, MVC Javascript, and Cohort Tribe Spirit

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Awesome project

Yesterday we had our second group project of phase 2. The idea of this one is : create a new version of SurveyMonkey. This time, we could choose our groups. Just like … most of the time. I checked around, saw Armando, he nodded, and we’re in the same group! We grouped with Henry, a new guy who repeated our phase, that I had not had the chance of talking with so far, Chermaine, who I had yet to pair with (really sorry >.<), even though we’re in the same accountability group (A group of 3 students of the same cohort that have to take care of each other), and Chris Woodrich, who is really an awesome dude, even though we end up messing with each other all the time.

Armando came with the awesome team name : The Ultimate Amazing Super Best Friends!

You can check how our project is going on : https://github.com/chriswoodrich/TUASBF/

We have an awesome dynamic, we’re all very happy to work with each other, and the project is really going well. I can’t wait til we present it on monday!

MVC Javascript

I won’t talk for hours about that, I’ve been talking about it for days so you’re probably tired about it already, but Javascript is to be used with an object oriented programming style. You can do it, and if you don’t you will end up having a lot of troubles.

Now, we work on small JS projects here and there and even though I had some trouble finding where some part of my code would go (View or Controller for the listeners etc…). Now I do know and I really like it.

I could spend hours explaining how to do stuff, but instead, I’ll just say : I do it, I like it, I can explain it if you want, and I’ll try to release some code where I do that on my Github whenever I can.

Cohort tribe spirit

A few things that Sherif (The guru that taught us in phase 1 haha) told us :

  • “If you think that you can become developers in 9 weeks, you are insane. All of you. But then, that is that common insanity that will take you there. It is that shared insanity that will make you actually succeed in that.”
  • “You are a tribe. You are seen as such, you have a tribe spirit that is the way people and feel your whole group. Every cohort has a different spirit, and gives a different feeling”

These ideas will not be surprising to anybody who knows the guy. Now, we had a few nice talk about this.

Nowadays, we have 3 cohorts in DBC. The Sea Lions, in phase 3, the Banana Slugs (US!) in phase 2, and Golden Bears in phase 1. And apparently, even just these 3 have a VERY different spirit.

Sea Lions are apparently like university students. Their first instinct is more to work alone, even though they don’t have any problem in forming groups in need be.

The Banana Slugs are seen as overachieving kids. We are the kind of kids that say things like “Oh look dad, a mountain! Look at me I’ll go climb the thing faster that anybody else!”. We crave on challenges that we can work on together and just be as awesome as one could be! Haha

The Golden Bears are much more “shy”. Compared to us and our 2 hours of questions and ideas exchanges that we had to timebox everyday, the echo I get from some of them I talked to and from their instructors is that they are very silent and studious.

At the end, none of us is right or wrong, but seeing that big of a difference in such a short amount of time is really interesting.

But then, the idea is that the presence of all of these people is what is actually helping us get to the end. We work 15 hours a day, something I would NEVER have thought would happen before coming here. We support each other, help each other, and at the end I think that Sherif was actually right, that common insanity that makes us stay that late, that makes us work our asses off without even realizing that, is what takes us where we are.

We learned Javascript/Object Oriented JS in one week, Everything we could about Sinatra, MVC WebApp frameworks, and all that in one week… That happens only in such conditions and I am really grateful about that!
