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Week 3 - Day 2 - More SQL, Testing, Cookies and Syrup

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More SQL

Yesterday was another day when we used SQL, apparently the last (Yay!). We implemented our own version of ActiveRecord, a tool used in Rails that we will, apparently, use all the time and that will be the one talking with the base. But to use your tools correctly you first have to learn how they were built… And so that is what we did.

I paired with Erin for this day and it was really great. We had a good dynamic and we ended up finishing everything without any real problem going on. All in all, it was a great day for Quentin in DBC!


Shadi is back! So testing is back too ;)
He explained how to make our own version of Rspec, the testing suite for Ruby, and then handed us a series of tests for the exercises we had for the day. Things are getting complicated pretty fast, but I love it !

Testing is getting trickier but soon enough we’ll get into some deep Rspec testing and for the newcomers : TESTING IS IMPORTANT! TEST ALL THE TIME!

Cookies and Syrup

So, I came here thinking americans ate junk food and only junk food. Such a disappointment to be in a house, in a program, and in a city where it is absolutely not the case!
I ended up being on some kind of sugar withdrawal in a few days, that is absolutely not the thing I would have suspected.

So, to compensate that, I buy cookies! And then, once or twice a day, take my usual bite. But then, I am now seen as some sort of cookie monster for eating a lot more than any other around… So strange.

As for the syrup, small but funny story : Ivan bought syrup, I took some (The throat is not 100% ok yet), then I got incredibly sleepy, and slept. The bad part is that it was 9AM and I was fighting sleep in the middle of a very interesting lecture on Testing.
The conclusion I got from that is : Read the fucking manual. Don’t take syrup without reading all about it.
