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The Story of a french guy discovering the world

Day 4 - Games! And Solutions!

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Yesterday was a day when we had to start and implement games. We went from a simple piglatin creator to a boggle board solver.
For this day, I had to pair with Eric. Eric is nice, and fun. But then I just navigated, pointed the pair to a place where the waters were much too deep, and we ended up just trying to figure some things that we’re supposed to care about in a few weeks out. That was not pretty, we learned a lot but ended up not finishing the exercises when others did / we had to get to the next one.

No biggie though, we ended up just climbing back and finishing the exercises, or at least most of them, in due time.
I do feel sorry for pushing the pair into places we should not have been, and so maybe take time off or learning some valuable info that we should have at that point, but I hope I made it up by being extra precise and helpful if I could for the next part… I’ll have to see that with Eric I guess! Feedback, here we are.


It was the day I got a few solutions.

First solution : We solved that f**king problem, Rao is really awesome!
Check the other blog posts if you want to know what I’m talking about!

Other solutons : The exercises were not all very hard, they just needed to be taken the exact right way, or you’ld just get lost in deep non-understandable stuff that take too much time. We code from 8AM to 11PM, and have 9 books to read… All that by the end of the week. Let’s just not take that path.

Anyway, I said I navigated, pushed the pair to a wrong place that just got us stuck. While doing that, I like to take small times off that coding, review what the others are doing, and try to help others. In my mind, finding the solution for somebody’s challenges just makes me trigger some kind of chain events that take me to the point when I can solve mine.
So that’s what I did. That did not really helped me work things out on the problems we were having, not at the end at least, but that helped me figure out exercises in advance by helping people that were on 2 while I was on 1.

And THAT helped a lot. In the end, when we got back to our exercise, we just have to recapitulate, check the things I told the others about, and if we agreed on that : Implement. Thanks to that, exercises that could have taken hours to solve just took a few minutes and nothing else!

Anyway, today is Sudoku day. Apparently we have to make a sudoku board creator, and a sudoku game solver… That’s gonna be fun! See you after that!