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The Story of a french guy discovering the world

Day 2 - Cries, Laughters, and Code

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So today we started Engineer Empathy courses. The idea of this course seems to be that the better you are with yourself and the better your ability to work with others, the better engineer you will become.
Now, just like everything else in this program, EE is freakingly intense.
Yesterday we had a session about the Superego and how to recognize attacks from it and defend. That does not sound much but… I just ended up almost in tears thinking about strange attacks against myself. Sometimes we just don’t really think about the things we put ourselves through, but then when these come back, that’s when you have a bad time. Well, let me tell you that people who are crazy enough to join Dev Bootcamp have a lot of

Now if that was not intense enough, I had decided to run a bit too far 2 days ago and so now I just look like a 3rd age dude having a hard time walking all around. That brings some tears too haha.


Today they gave us a pairing buddy for the whole day. Mine was … Matthew!
I spent most of the day enjoying what I was doing, at least for the fact that I was doing it with somebody I appreciate and really have fun with. We joked all around, and even though some may say that it is quite counterproductive, we finished the challenges right at the same time as others, and I got the feeling we learnt exactly enough!


So, today we spent the morning reviewing the code some used to complete the challenges of yesterday. We ended up comparing hashes + #each with no data + if (The if waterfall seems to be faster…), and all that with or without recursion. In the end, we can say that in this small exercise, recursion was a waste of time, and not maintainable, hashes + #each keeps the code organized so maintainable, but then the If waterfall was just horrible to watch but a bit more efficient… The world of code is a strange place, guys…

In the afternoon we worked on sorting algorithm. After a bit of time going crazy over explanations not explaining much and hurting our brains and souls, Rao, a coach with a nice and funny meow-like name gave us some more options and we found out how to do all that. We implemented the merge sorting algorithm and that did not take us much time from here. The funny surprise though was that at the end, we cleared the 3 170k words files in around 1.5 seconds each… While every other algorithm just took at least 10 minutes. Some even calculated that theirs could last for a day just sorting one of the files. Algorithms are crazy and are to be known!

Now, time to go back and code guys, see ya!